Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Just A Note

Over the Holidays, I did a small art show with a few of my art friends. The "Angel Lidded Vessel", which I posted earlier, I decided not to put it in the show or sell. It was just extra special to me and I wanted to keep it.
Shortly after, a friend I hadn't seen in several years called and said their Father had died and did I have any type of urn they could buy, as the "store bought" versions weren't going to cut it.
Of course, the Angel Lidded Vessel was the 1st thing to come to mind. I did not sell it, but gave it as a gift, a gift back to the Universe of Life.
Looking back, I think The Holy Spirit had a hand in the making of that piece.
Somewhere it says, "Creativity is God's gift to us. Using our creativity is our gift back to God."
God, Thank You for the blessing to be a part of that.


This amaryllis was forced into bloom in my kitchen window ~ with my little helper of course.
This stunning red flower has come to symbolize pride, determination and radiant beauty.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Quiet Beauty of Winter

In Loving Memory

In Loving Memory of my Father, Alfred Paul Milash, who died on January 21st 2008
My heart aches as I miss you dearly. I'll always love you.
When some time passes and the pain subsides, I will be able to talk about you.
Your Loving Daughter,